Friday, July 08, 2005

My first ever!

Wow! So I have my very own blog now! I feel so "hip" and with it. (Although I'm sure that using the word "hip" immediately gives away my "un-hip-ness.") Oh well....My dh has been blogging for ages and has wanted me to as well. So here goes.

So, why am I Chewy Mom? Good question. It's something I'm trying to figure out. I'm a mom - of five kids, actually. I've moved around a lot in my married life - 11 times to be exact. And I've grown and changed through the moves. I have done the cute, stylish hairdo thing, I've even had fake nails. But I just got weary and by the time we made our last move, I was at the point of growing my hair back out, getting rid of the highlights (ok, I've added some back - my hair looks fake when it's natural - lol!), and not wearing much makeup. Even though I'm in the south! I'm sure I shock the people at the grocery store. But it's all so phony. I will occasionally put on a little makeup, but I'm at the point now where I notice when ladies have on mascara and wonder why in the heck they think putting tar on their eyelashes looks good!

I enjoyed nursing my babies, and I carried some in a sling. Nobody here uses slings. I know this because everywhere I went, people stopped me and asked questions about it. And I can count on one hand the number of people I've seen using one in the 3 years we've been here. Most people that I see carry their babies in a distant baby carrier, poke a paci in their mouths, and when that doesn't do, prop a bottle in the baby's mouth. I'm an oddball.

Oh yes! I cook! Amazing, I know. Many of my friends believe they have "cooked" if their kids have chicken nuggets that they heated in the oven instead of purchasing from Chic-Fil-A. I use fresh spices and ingredients and enjoy the process of creating yummy food (most of the time) from fresh veggies, chicken, etc. Actually, it goes a little further than that. I bake my own bread - not always, but often. Oh...and I grind the wheat. Nutty, I know. I enjoy it.

I keep my kids' schedules simple - we don't do travelling sports. I care about the environment. I have a small (tiny) garden. I think it is the combination of all of these things that has earned me the title of "hippie." I was puzzled at first, but now I just laugh. I don't really think I'm a hippie. I just think these people don't know what to make of me.

So I was pondering all of this - and I wondered if I've really become crunchy. I decided that I'm not totally there. I love yogurt (make my own), granola, fruit, and all. But I also let my kids eat Oreos. I drove an SUV until recently - now I have a big van. We sometimes order pizza or eat at McDonald's (in spite of viewing Super Size Me). No, crunchy is taking it a bit too far. And hence the name chewy. On my way to crunchy, but not quite there yet.

Speaking of five kids, I need to go take care of them.



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